Equatorial Aeronomy
Martinis, C., J. Baumgardner, J. Wroten, and M. Mendillo (2010),
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Martinis, C., J. Baumgardner, M. Mendillo, S.-Y. Su, and N. Aponte
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Sahai, Y., F. Becker-Guedes, P. R. Fagundes, A. J. de Abreu, R. de
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Imaging coherent
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- Imaging science at El Leoncito,
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- Toward a synthesis of equatorial spread F onset
and suppression during geomagnetic storms, C. R. Martinis, M. J. Mendillo, and J. Aarons,
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- Vlasov, M.N., M.J. Nicolls, M.C. Kelley, S.M. Smith, S.A. Gonzalez,
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dependence of zonal plasma drifts obtained from dual-site airglow
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investigations regarding the thermospheric midnight temperature maximum
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- Fesen, C. G., D. L. Hysell, J. M. Meriwether, M. Mendillo, B. G.
Fejer, R. G. Roble, B. W. Reinisch, and M. A. Biondi, Modeling the
low-latitude thermosphere and ionosphere, JASTP, 64, 1337-1350,
- Martinis, C., M. Mendillo, and J. Aarons, The intrusion of
auroral processes upon low latitude dynamics and irregularities,
Proceedings of the Ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES), Alexandria, VA,
- Pallamraju, D., J. Baumgardner and S. Chakrabarti, HIRISE:
A ground-based high resolution imaging spectrograph using echelle
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- Chakrabarti, S., D. Pallamraju, J. Baumgardner, and J. Vaillancourt,
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- Martinis, C., J. Meriwether, R. Niciejewshi, M. Biondi, C.
Fesen, and M. Mendillo, Zonal neutral winds at equatorial and low
latitudes, JASTP, 63, 1559-1569, 2001.
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thermospheric neutral wind suppression mechanism for day-to-day
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Suppression of equatorial spread-F by sporadic-E, J. Geophys.
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- Mendillo, M., B. Lin, and J. Aarons, The application of GPS
observations to equatorial aeronomy, Radio Sci., 35, 885-904, 2000.
- Pallamraju, D., J. Baumgardner, and S. Chakrabarti, A
multiwavelength investigation of the Ring effect in the day sky
spectrum, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 1875-1878, 2000.