Michael Mendillo
Boston UniversityCenter for Space Physics
725 Commonwealth Ave
Boston, MA 02215
Phone: 617.353.2629
email: mendillo@bu.edu
- Mendillo, M., S.M. Smith, A. Coster, P. Erickson, J. Baumgardner, and C. Martinis (2008), Man-Made Space Weather , Space Weather, 6, S09001, doi:10.1029/2008SW000406.
- Baumgardner, J., J. Wilson, and M. Mendillo, 2008, "Imaging the sources and full extent of the sodium tail of the planet Mercury" , Geophysical Research Letters, VOL. 35, L03201, doi:10.1029/2007GL032337, 2008
Solar flare effects upon the ionospheres of Earth and Mars (2008)
Mendillo and Withers, in "Radio Sounding and Plasma Physics" (eds. Song, Foster, Mendillo, and Bilitza),
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, 974, 58-70.
- J. Baumgardner, J. Wroten, J. Semeter, J. Kozyra, M. Buonsanto, P.Erickson, and M. Mendillo.
A very bright SAR arc:
implications for extreme magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, Ann. Geophys., 25, 2593-2608, 2007.
- Effects of solar flares on the
ionosphere of Mars Mendillo, Withers, Hinson, Rishbeth, and Reinisch, Science, 311, 1135-1138,
(2006), doi:10.1126/science.112209.
- Michael Mendillo, Storms In The Ionosphere:
Patterns And Processes For Total Electron Content, Rev. Geophys., 44, RG4001, 2005, doi:10.1029/2005RG000193.
- Michael Mendillo, Luke Moore, John Clarke, Ingo Mueller-Wodarg,
William S. Kurth and M. L. Kaiser, Effects of
ring shadowing on the detection of electrostatic discharges at
Saturn, GRL,32, L05107, doi:10.1029/2004GL021934, 2005.
- Michael Mendillo,Xiaoqing Pi, Steven Smith, Carlos Martinis, Jody
Wilson and David Hinson, Ionospheric
effects upon a satellite navigation system at Mars, Radio
Science, vol. 39, doi: 10.1029/2003RS002933 2004.
- Io's volcanic control of Jupiter's extended neutral clouds,
Icarus, Volume 170, Issue 2, August 2004, Pages 430-442
Michael Mendillo, Jody Wilson, John Spencer and John Stansberry
- Simultaneous
Ionospheric Variability on Earth and Mars, Michael Mendillo, S.
Smith, J. Wroten, and H. Rishbeth, JGR, vol.108, no. A12, 1432,
doi:10.1029/2003JA009961, 2003.
- Mendillo, Michael, Fred Roesler, Chester Gardner and Michael Sulzer,
The application of terrestrial aeronomy groundbased instruments to
planetary science, in ATMOSPHERES IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM: Comparative
Aeronomy, (M. Mendillo, A. Nagy and J.H.Waite, eds.) Geophysical
Monograph 130, Amer. Geophys. Union, Washington, DC, 2002.
- Imaging the surface of Mercury
using ground-based telescopes,
M. Mendillo, J. Warell, S.S. Limaye, J. Baumgardner, A. Sprague, J.K.
Wilson, Planetary and Space Science, 49, 1501-1505, 2001.
- Mendillo, M., J. Meriwether, and M. Biondi, Testing the
thermospheric neutral wind suppression mechanism for day-to-day
variability of equatorial spread-F, J. Geophys. Res., 106,
3655-3663, 2001.
- Observational Test for the Solar Wind Origin of the Moon’s Sodium
Atmosphere, M. Mendillo, J. Baumgardner, and J. K. Wilson, Icarus,
137, 13-23, 1999.
- A Nonlinear Optimization Technique for Groundbased Atmospheric Emission Tomography, J. Semeter and M. Mendillo, IEEE Trans. Geosci, Remote Sensing, 35, 1105, 1997.
- Imaging Science Contributions to Equatorial Aeronomy: Initial Results from the MISETA Program, M. Mendillo, J. Baumgardner, M. Colerico, D. Nottingham, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 59, 1587, 1997.
- Mendillo, M. J. Baumgardner, D. Nottingham, J. Aarons, B. Reinisch, J. Scali, and M. Kelley, Investigations of thermospheric-ionospheric dynamics with 6300- Å images from the Arecibo Observatory, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 7331, 1997.
- Colerico, M., M. Mendillo, D. Nottingham, J. Baumgardner, J. Meriwether, J. Mirick, B. Reinish, J. Scali, C. Fesen, Coordinated measurements of F-region dynamics related tothe thermospheric midnight temperature maximum, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 26,783, 1996.
- GPS Fluctuations in the Equatorial Region During the MISETA 1994 Campaign, J. Aarons, M. Mendillo, and R. Yantosca, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 26729, 1996.
- Longitudinal Effects of Ionospheric Responses to Substorms at Middle and Lower Latitudes: A Case Study, X-Q. Pi, M. Mendillo, P. Spalla, and D.N. Anderson, Ann. Geophysicae, 13, 863, 1995.
- Berg, G.A., M.C.Kelley,M. Mendillo, et al., Formation and Eruption of Sun-aligned Arcs at the Polar Cap-Auroral Oval Boundary, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 17577, 1994.
- Mendillo, M. The altitude-latitude extent of equatorial plasma depletions, in Low-Latitude Ionospheric Physics (.F.-S. Kuo, ed. COSPAR coll. ser.,7,5 - 13, Pergamon (London), 1994.
- OI 630 mm Imaging Observations of Equatorial Plasma Depletions at 16° S Dip Latitude, M. Mendillo, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 56, 1461, 1994.
- Coordinated SAR Arc Observations: Relationship to Plasma Convection, J.C. Foster, M.J. Buonsanto, M. Mendillo, D. Nottingham, F.J. Rich, and W. Denig, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 11429 1994.
- Coordinated Convection Measurements in the Vicinity of Auroral Cavities, R.A. Doe, M. Mendillo, J. Vickrey, M. Ruohoniemi, and R. Greenwald, Radio Sci., 29, 293, 1994.
- Diurnal Double Maxima Patterns in the F Region Ionosphere: Substorm-Related Aspects, X-Q. Pi, M. Mendillo, and M.W. Fox, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 13,677, 1993.
- Observations of Nightside Auroral Cavities, R. A. Doe, M. Mendillo, J. Vickrey, L. Zanetti, and R. Eastes, J. Geophys. Res.,98, 293, 1993.
- Onset Conditions for Equatorial Spread-F, M. Mendillo, J. Baumgardner, X.-Q. Pi, P. Sultan, and R. Tsunoda, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 13865, 1992.
- How the Effects of Winds and Electric Fields in F2-Layer Storms Vary with Latitude and Longitude: A Theoretical Study, M. Mendillo, X.-Q. He, and H. Rishbeth, Planet. Space Sci., 40, 595, 1992.
- Plasmapause Morphology Determined from an Empirical Ionospheric Convection Model, R. Doe, M. Moldwin, and M. Mendillo, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 1151, 1992.
- Comparison of Low-Latitude Ionospheric Model with Observations of OI 6300 Emission and Ionospheric Parameters, Y. Sahai, J.B. Bettencourt, T. Takahashi, and M. Mendillo, Planet. Space Sci., 38, 1243, 1990