ED53B-3485 Online Chapmann Layer Calculator for Simulating the Ionosphere with Undergraduate and Graduate Students Back to: Paul Withers Pa Friday, December 19, 201401:40 PM - 06:00 PM Moscone South Poster Hall The Chapman Layer Model is a "textbook" model of the ionosphere (for example, "Theory of Planetary Atmospheres" by Chamberlain and Hunten, Academic Press (1978)). The model use fundamental assumptions about the neutral atmosphere, the flux of ionizing radiation, and the recombination rate to calculation the ionization rate, and ion/electron density for a single species atmosphere. We have developed a “Chapman Layer Calculator” application that is deployed on the web using Java. It allows the user to see how various parameters control ion density, peak height, and profile of the ionospheric layer. Users can adjust parameters relevant to thermosphere scale height (temperature, gravitational acceleration, molecular weight, neutral atmosphere density) and to Extreme Ultraviolet solar flux (reference EUV, distance from the Sun, and solar Zenith Angle) and then see how the layer changes. This allows the user to simulate the ionosphere on other planets, by adjusting to the appropriate parameters. This simulation has been used as an exploratory activity for the NASA/LWS - Heliophysics Summer School 2014 and has an accompanying activity guide. Authors Nicholas Gross Boston University Paul Withers Boston University Jan Sojka Utah State University View Related Events Session: Games, Interactive Simulations, and Virtual Labs for Science Teaching and Learning II Posters Section/Focus Group: Education Day: Friday, December 19, 2014