Upper Atmospheric Density Profiles from the Mars Odyssey Accelerometer: Report on Data Processing, Archiving Plans, and Scientific Analysis
Paul Withers1, D. Bendersky2, J. Keller2, J. R. Murphy3
1Boston University, 2California Polytechnic State University, 3New Mexico State University.

Presentation Number: 14.07
The Mars Odyssey Accelerometer dataset from aerobraking (2001-2002) has not yet been fully documented and delivered to the Planetary Data System. Some preliminary data products are available (densities and density scale heights at periapsis (about 100 km), 110 km, and 120 km altitude), but these are described by the PDS as being mostly undocumented and they have not been peer-reviewed. We have derived density profiles and other data products from measured accelerations. Data products are available online, are being prepared for delivery to the PDS, and are being used for scientific analysis. Zonal variations in density due to thermal tides will be quantified. Densities will be compared to predictions from a thermospheric general circulation model. Small-scale structure in density profiles will be characterized.

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