How to run code =============== Start IDL from icy/lib > cd, '/deimos_backup/olddeimos00/spice/icy/odypsspice/pdsproc03' > .run ingestcd > ingestcd No output reads the aerodynamic database from file into a common block for use by other programs. This file is not archived, so and some other programs will not work properly. > .run makeodyaccprofiles > makeodyaccprofiles Settings: writeoutput = 1 ; Do we write out results? botherwithpt = 1. ; Do we get p, T profiles as well? replaceckernels = 0 ; 1 if I want to generate angular data Outputs are: prof007.dat in output directory (used for data processing, not archived) DATA/ANC/ACCANCPXXX.TAB DATA/PROF/ACCPROFPXXX.TAB > .run readodyaccprofiles > readodyaccprofiles Outputs are: all_ody_profiles.sav in output directory (used for data processing, not archived) EXTRAS/IDLSAV/all_ody_profiles.sav > .run useodyaccprofiles > useodyaccprofiles Outputs are: firstgoodscet.txt - First good SCET time for each orbit lastgoodscet.txt - Last good SCET time for each orbit norbsforcalt.txt - Number of profiles DATA/CALT/PPPQQQ.TAB EXTRAS/IDLSAV/odycaltarray.sav > .run readodyacccalt > readodyacccalt No output > .run orbs4and6 > orbs4and6 Prints to screen information on P004 and P006 for DATASET.CAT that isn't included in DATA/ANC/ files. > .run makecommonblock > makecommonblock No output > .run makerawfiles > makerawfiles Outputs are: DATA/RAW/ACCYYPXXX.ZZZ where YY is LO/HI, ZZZ is LBL/TAB > .run makeancfiles > makeancfiles Outputs are: DATA/RAW/ACCANCPXXX.LBL > .run makeproffiles > makeproffiles Outputs are: DATA/PROF/ACCPROFPXXX.LBL > .run makecaltfiles > makecaltfiles Outputs are: DATA/CALT/PPPQQQ.LBL > .run makeindextab > makeindextab Output is: INDEX/INDEX.TAB > .run makeindexlbl > makeindexlbl Output is: INDEX/INDEX.LBL > .run makeindxinfotxt > makeindxinfotxt Output is: INDEX/INDXINFO.TXT > .run makedatasetcat > makedatasetcat Output is: CATALOG/DATASET.CAT > .run makeinstcat > makeinstcat Output is: CATALOG/INST.CAT > .run makepersoncat > makepersoncat Output is: CATALOG/PERSON.CAT > .run makerefcat > makerefcat Output is: CATALOG/REF.CAT > .run makecatinfotxt > makecatinfotxt Output is: CATALOG/CATINFO.TXT > .run makedoclbl > makedoclbl Output is: DOCUMENT/REPORT.LBL All other REPORT files placed manually into this directory > .run makedocinfotxt > makedocinfotxt Output is: DOCUMENT/DOCINFO.TXT > .run makeextrinfotxt > makeextrinfotxt Output is: EXTRAS/EXTRINFO.TXT > .run makevoldesccat > makevoldesccat Output is: VOLDESC.CAT > .run makeerratatxt > makeerratatxt Output is: ERRATA.TXT > .run makeaareadmetxt > makeaareadmetxt Output is: AAREADME.TXT