Archived Entry Profiles from the Mars Exploration Rovers

Spirit and Opportunity

A manuscript entitled "Atmospheric Entry Profiles from the Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity" and written by Paul Withers and Mike Smith has been accepted for publication by Icarus. The manuscript promised that its results and the software used to generate them would be made publicly available, so here they are.

Figures from the manuscript, tables of results, and all necessary software to reproduce the results are available here. I recommend looking at AAREADME.txt first. A tarred collection of the files is also available. The software is written in IDL. These results are not archived on NASA's Planetary Data System, so PLEASE make your own backups of them that will remain available to the scientific community after my computer crashes.

The results in this archive were generated using the MER aerodynamic database supplied to me by Prasun Desai (NASA Langley). I have not asked Prasun for permission to put that database online, so the aerodynamic database in this archive uses CA=2, CN=0 always. Thus you won't be able to reproduce the archived results exactly. You may wish to extract values manually from figures in Schoenenberger et al., 2005.

Last Modified: 2006.08.08