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The air up there
BU planetary scientist tracks Spirit's trip to Mars
David J. Craig
NASA's space rover Spirit pokes around the surface of Mars collecting
and analyzing samples of sediment for the next three months, scientists
will wait eagerly for signs of water and life on the red planet.
But for Paul Withers, a CAS research associate at the Center for Space
Physics, the most exciting part of Spirit's trip is over. An expert in
the upper regions of the Martian atmosphere, Withers is interested in
the aerodynamic measurements Spirit took as it approached Mars, so he
can better understand how the chemistry and dynamics of its atmosphere
compare to those of Earth's.
As a member of NASA's Spirit Atmospheric Advisory Team, Withers spoke
nightly with NASA officials by telephone during the final stages of
Spirit's seven-month, 300 million-mile voyage to Mars and for several
days after it landed on January 3, analyzing data that helped gauge the
spacecraft's performance. And as a consultant to Britain's failed
Beagle 2 Mars mission last month, the 28-year-old native of England
wrote computer programs that, had the spacecraft survived, would have
helped scientists and engineers reconstruct its trajectory through the
Martian atmosphere.
The B.U. Bridge
spoke to Withers recently about his role in the Spirit mission and about
what scientists hope to learn by analyzing atmospheric data gathered
during the spacecraft's descent.
B.U. Bridge: How would you characterize the Martian atmosphere?
Withers: It's
cold and there isn't much of it. It's made largely of carbon dioxide
and it weighs about one percent of what Earth's nitrogen-oxygen
atmosphere weighs. So atmospheric pressure on Mars is much lower than
on Earth. If you blew up a balloon on Earth and released it on Mars, it
would explode immediately because there would be hardly any atmosphere
pushing back against it. The temperature near the surface of Mars is
around minus 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Near the top of the atmosphere,
say above an altitude of 100 kilometers, the temperature is about minus
210 degrees Fahrenheit.
Another distinguishing feature
of the Martian atmosphere, and one that poses interesting scientific
questions, is that in winter the gas that makes up the atmosphere
freezes to the surface near the poles, so that the amount of gas in the
atmosphere can actually change by as much as 25 percent between summer
and winter. That has no parallel on Earth.
B.U. Bridge: What kind of information did you help analyze for NASA? Withers:
Instruments on board Spirit measured the aerodynamics the spacecraft
experienced when it passed through the Martian atmosphere. With that
information, and with our knowledge of Spirit's shape and mass, other
engineers and I were able to determine the density, pressure, and
temperature of Mars' atmosphere, from its outer regions all the way
down to where the spacecraft hit the dirt. B.U. Bridge: How does that help NASA?
NASA engineers need to know if the spacecraft functioned as designed —
for instance, if the parachute opened at the right time and if the
speed with which its airbags hit the surface was what was expected.
Spirit performed very well, which is especially important because an
identical spacecraft, Opportunity, will try to land on Mars at the end
of the month. The engineers also need to know that they're using the
most accurate atmospheric models to study the spacecraft's performance.
B.U. Bridge: What basic questions about the atmosphere on Mars might the spacecraft's measurements help answer?
The major scientific finding that will come out of these missions
regarding the atmosphere is a detailed understanding of how the
temperature changes from the top to the bottom of the Martian
atmosphere. The spacecrafts' measurements may also help us understand
how areas of heat move around in the Martian atmosphere. We know this
happens because measurements showed that as Spirit descended, the
atmospheric temperature didn't increase smoothly, but showed
fluctuations of as much as 10 to 20 percent.
addition, by looking at atmospheric temperatures, we can determine the
structure of clouds that the spacecraft might have passed through, such
as if they're made of carbon dioxide, water, or some other component of
the atmosphere.
B.U. Bridge: Have scientists had previous opportunities to gather information about the Martian atmosphere?
There have been only three other chances to gather a top-to-bottom
profile of the Martian atmosphere: NASA's two Viking missions to Mars
in the late 1970s, and its Pathfinder mission in 1997. Other spacecraft
have orbited Mars, but have never descended below about 100 kilometers
from the planet's surface.
B.U. Bridge: How might new knowledge about the Martian atmosphere apply to Earth's atmosphere?
Withers: The
laws of physics that govern Earth's atmosphere — involving, for
instance, how the sun's heat and light are absorbed in different
regions of the atmosphere, and how air moves around between the equator
and the poles — should apply in the Martian atmosphere. So by looking
at a system that is very different from our own, we can test our
theories about how atmospheres work in general.
BU Bridge: Why did Spirit survive the trip through the Martian atmosphere, while England's Beagle 2 failed just a few weeks ago?
Beagle 2 weighed only about a 10th as much as Spirit, which means it had
less space for safety features that would have helped it survive entry
into the Martian atmosphere. For example, Spirit and Opportunity have
rockets that help them compensate for unwanted motion as they approach
the surface. Beagle 2 didn't have features like that because the Beagle
program has always been a low-cost and relatively high-risk attempt to
land on Mars.
Beagle 2 and Spirit had similarities,
though. To slow their entry through the Martian atmosphere, both were
designed to use aerobraking, which means using the atmosphere to direct
your trajectory and to slow down without the use of rockets. If Spirit
had descended straight down through the Martian atmosphere, there would
not have been enough atmosphere to absorb its speed. So when it entered
the upper atmosphere, traveling 20 times faster than the speed of
sound, or about 5 kilometers per second, it traveled more horizontally
than vertically, at an angle of only about 15 or 20 degrees. After a
couple of minutes in the atmosphere, it slowed to about one kilometer
per second, and during the last 10 to 20 kilometers of its descent lost
the rest of its speed, until a parachute opened up at an altitude of
between 5 and 10 kilometers. Eventually, stabilizing rockets brought it
to almost a dead stop about 10 meters above the ground, its cocoon of
airbags inflated, and it dropped to the ground and bounced several
One of the more likely explanations for Beagle 2's failure, I think, is
that the speed at which it reached Mars' surface was too much for its
airbags to handle.