Jody Wilson
This report describes a
method of calibrating surface brightnesses in a telescopic or all-sky image
using standard stars.
-Flux of standard star at the Earth in photons cm-2 s-1 Å-1
for the wavelength observed (look up in standard star files)
-Total detected brightness (S) of standard star image in Data
Numbers (DN)
-Spectral width of the filter in Angstroms (approximately FWHM ´ peak transmission)
-Solid angle θ2
of a pixel in radians (for
telescopic images only)
Step 1: Calculate airless star flux seen by instrument (F).
airless flux F is the spectral flux
(photons cm-2 s-1 Å-1 from table) multiplied by
the filter's spectral width:
F = (spectral flux) ´ (spectral width) (1)
is the flux from the standard star that the instrument would see of there was
no attenuation of the starlight by the Earth’s atmosphere.
Step 2: Calculate the apparent airless omnidirectional
surface brightness of the standard star image (I).
that the standard star has an angular size of exactly one pixel, that it is
emitting isotropically, and that it is at some
arbitrary distance R from the
The area a
of the “star pixel” is then
a = (Rθ)2, (2)
where θ is the angular width of one pixel
in radians. We may now define an omnidirectional
surface brightness I (units of
photons cm-2 s-1) of this star pixel such that its total
brightness (in photons s-1) is
F = Ia/(4πR2).
This is the same flux
calculated in step 1. Substituting for a from equation (2):
= I θ2/ 4π. (4)
Solving for I (photons cm-2 s-1):
= 4πF /θ2
One Rayleigh
is 106 photons cm-2 s-1, so we finally have:
IRayleighs = [4πF /θ2] ´ [10-6 Rayleighs/(photon
cm-2 s-1)] (5)
Step 3: Calibrate the image.
3A: Telescopic images
a standard star of measured brightness S
and apparent surface brightness I with
an exposure time t1, and a
second image with exposure time t2
to be calibrated, the pixel-by-pixel brightness in Rayleighs of the image is given
imageRayleighs = imageDN · (t1/t2) · (I/S) (6)
images have three characteristics which make them more difficult to calibrate than
telescopic images:
1. The angular size of a pixel depends on its location in
the image.
2. Some all-sky images cannot be flat-fielded, so any
center-to-edge changes in instrument sensitivity are unknown.
3. All airmasses from 1 to >10
are represented in a single image, so an “airless” calibration for one part of
an image does not apply to other parts.
calibration of all-sky images with standard stars requires calculating the
solid angle ωpixel
of each pixel in the image. For telescopic images this is simply θ2 in equation (5), but
pixel projections are warped in all-sky images. Once the solid angle of each
pixel is known, the other two problems above (2 and 3) are solved by measuring
standard stars at several zenith angles.
a pixel in an all-sky image at a distance of r pixels from the zenith.
The true zenith distance of this pixel can be represented
as a function of its pixel distance r.
This function, z(r), is determined by measuring star locations and fitting a
function to the zenith distances at the time the image was taken.
Once z(r) is known, the latitudinal
size of a pixel on the meridian is easily calculated:
Δz = |z(r) – z(r+1)| = z'(r). (7)
Consider an annulus of radius r pixels and thickness of one pixel. Its
total area in pixels is
A(r) = 2πr
The angular circumference
of this annulus is 360º sin(z), so the solid angle of the annulus is:
Ω(r) = 360º sin[z(r)]
z'(r). (9)
Thus the solid angle of
each pixel in the annulus is, from equations (8) and (9):
= Ω(r)/A(r) = 180º sin[z(r)] z'(r)/(π r) (10)
substituting ωpixel(r) for θ2 in equation (5), the apparent brightness in
Rayleighs of any standard star in the all-sky image can be calculated. Several
standard stars should be measured (or one standard star at several zenith
angles) in order to determine how the DN-to-Rayleigh
conversion factor (equation 6) varies with r
as a result of atmospheric extinction and varying sensitivity of the system (flat
field issues).